Bauhaus Tubular Chrome & Steel Sofa from Hynek Gottwald, 1930s
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Bauhaus Sofa from Gottwald, 1935
Functionalist Convertible Model No. H-215 Sofa attributed to Jindřich Halabala, 1930s
Bauhaus Red Sofa in Chrome-Plated Steel & High Quality Leather attributed to Robert Slezák, Czech, 1930s
Bauhaus Sofa in Chrome-Plated Steel & New Upholstery, Czech, 1930s
Bauhaus Sofa in Chrome-Plated Steel and Red Leather attributed to Robert Slezák, Former Czechoslovakia, 1950s
Bauhaus Brown & Blue Sofa, Czechia, 1930s
Art Deco Sofa, France, 1920s
Bauhaus Sofa in Leather from Vichr a Spol, 1930s
Vintage Bauhaus Sofa, 1930
Bauhaus Sofa in Chrome-Plated Steel & High Quality Leather by Vichr a Spoly, Czech, 1930s
Bauhaus White Tubular Sofa in Beech, Chrome-Plated Steel & High Quality Leather attributed to Robert Slezák for Slezak Factories, Czech, 1930s